Helpful Resources

For Your Healing Journey

Evidence-based guides to help you navigate your pelvic healing journey.

The Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Prolapse

Do you have pelvic organ prolapse (POP)? Learn about pelvic floor anatomy, potential root causes, and steps to resolving your prolapse in this detailed guide!


The Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Female Pelvic Pain (CPPS)

If you are going through pelvic pain, this guide will inform you about what is happening and evidence-based methods to help you recover.


Does your pelvic floor need help? 

Many women think they just need live with the changes they’re experiencing
“down there,” but this is NOT the case.

Take this short quiz to find out if you have issues that can be solved naturally. 


Dr. Bri's Favorite Products

This website is user-supported. We may earn a small affiliate commission (at no increase in cost to you) when you buy through links on this site. We only promote products we personally use and love!

Gorilla Mats

This is the extra-large mat I use in my YouTube videos! It offers so much freedom of movement. Get 10% off using code FEMTRIBE10 at checkout.

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Pranamat Eco

Watch my review, and get an exclusive offer using code VIBRANT at checkout!

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Bladder Support

Reusable bladder support that empowers you to live a more active life! Watch my review, and get 10% off the Starter Kit using the "learn more" link below :) 

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Vital Proteins Collagen

Collagen is a key ingredient for tissue health and healing. Vital Proteins offers simple ways to get more collagen into your diet every day.

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Aletha Hip Hook

Release your hips and the hard-to-get iliacus muscle with the hip hook, designed by physical therapist Christine Koth! Use the button below to get 10% off.

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Balance Cream

When medical tests revealed that my body's progesterone was declining, I started using this natural progesterone cream. It's been a game-changer!

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Barefoot Shoes

Foot health and pelvic health are intimately connected, and if you wear tight shoes or heels for most of the day, you could be harming your pelvic floor! Vivo minimalist footwear is super flexible, letting your feet BREATHE and be FREE.

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Squatty Potty

Did you know that squatting is the most efficient and effective way to go poo? I've been a Squatty Potty fan since the day this company launched. I have the Bamboo Flip, and the Original 7". No bathroom should be without a Squatty Potty! It's a great conversation starter, too!

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Get a trial of Julva, the doctor-designed DHEA-enriched cream that helps keep your vulvar tissues feeling healthy and lush for life! Clients have told me that Julva improves elasticity and reduces dryness. It can even help with bladder leakage.

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Recommended Books

Lady Bits

This is MY BOOK! First published in 2015, Lady Bits was one of the first pelvic health books to offer a total-person approach to women's health; not just focusing on the pelvic floor, but also on lifestyle, mindset, body confidence, and so much more. It's easy to read and conversational, like having a cup of tea (or glass of wine!) with a girlfriend.

Buy Now on Amazon

Your Pelvic Floor

Written by my friend and colleague Kim Vopni (known online as "Vagina Coach"), this book is a practical, evidence-based guide to female pelvic health that EVERY woman should read. Kim offers helpful tools and exercises that are easy to implement and can offer relief right away.

Buy Now on Amazon

Mothering From Your Center

Whether you're planning to become pregnant, currently pregnant, newly postpartum, or had a baby 15+ years ago (like me!!!) you will find yourself in these pages. Tami Kent is a master of explaining feminine energy, and ways to connect with your inner power as a woman and as a mother. The love, healing, and practical guidance that saturates this book is profound.

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Wild Feminine

This is the first book written by my mentor, physical therapist and Holistic Pelvic Care founder Tami Kent. In a word, Tami is a visionary. (I can't sum up Tami's work with words, you simply have to read her books and feel the magic that pours through!) If you're open to the idea of energy medicine, then you will LOVE this book.

Buy Now on Amazon

The Explain Pain Handbook

Pain science is ever-evolving, and it can be DENSE: difficult to understand, packed with technical terms, andfranklyextremely dry. Enter The Explain Pain Handbook. This guide is so much fun, it will take you back to enjoyable coloring books and worksheets from childhood! But despite the playful tone, the information is science-backed. If you have persistent pain, this handbook is essential for you.

Buy Now on Amazon

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Vibrant Pelvic Health programs are not a substitute for individualized medical treatment; contact a physician and/or physical therapist in your area for one-on-one evaluation and a personalized treatment plan.