Attention: Lift and Overcome graduates!
Do you crave MORE? More accountability, more troubleshooting, deeper mind-body immersions, and more personalized support?
Dr. Brianne Grogan, PT, DPT
A coaching program exclusively for Overcome and Lift alumnae.
Your life has already been changed by Lift or Overcome… Now it’s time to take things to the next level. Get small-group coaching, one-on-one sessions with Dr. Bri, and LOADS of bonus content!
This is the year you fully embody
the woman you were born to be...
Why do you need Momentum?
Because pelvic health is all about the long game.

“In the long game we learn more about ourselves and our bodies. The long game offers so much for growth, resilience, mindfulness, forgiveness, feeding our bodies good nutrition, and feeding our mind, body and spirit supportive thoughts, affirmations and activities. In the long game we can also find community and support each other in the ups and downs, in the wins and in the ‘oops, shouldn't have done that’ times. Thankful for you, Dr. Bri!”
Lynda Enoch Berger
Long-term pelvic wellness is a lifetime commitment, one moment at a time. This does NOT have to be overwhelming or scary. In fact, it can be the greatest gift when you have maintenance tools and SUPPORT!
Momentum is for women who are ready to take charge of their pelvic health. They understand that no single exercise or stretch will “cure” them; rather, they take ownership and personal responsibility for their own role in their lifestyle choices and the mental work of pelvic health. They are ready to step out of fear and pelvic floor obsession for good… they simply need someone to hold their hand as they make the leap into self-trust!
Say goodbye
to always needing to look outside of yourself for the answers to your pelvic health questions.Â
You have the answers inside of you… you just need a little help in finding (and trusting) them!
Momentum supports YOU to become your own greatest teacher, your own greatest leader, and your own greatest healer.
Constantly looking outside of yourself for solutions causes a LOT of pain, frustration, and wasted energy. It’s what keeps you up at night worrying about what exercises you “should” or “shouldn’t” do, or what will happen if you do something “wrong.” These emotional patterns keep tension in your body and your muscles tightly wound, and it prevents a healthy flow of energy to your pelvic bowl.
Constantly looking outside of yourself leads to a lack of personal empowerment and a lack of self-trust. This is what keeps you stuck thinking all you have to do is another exercise or rehab program in a certain way, and then you’ll be fixed for life.
Spoiler alert: YOU know your body best! >>> Momentum helps you understand your body, integrate what you’ve learned through the programs you’ve invested in (i.e. Lift and/or Overcome), and TRUST YOURSELF to be able to maintain a lifetime of pelvic health… even through the ups and downs.

With an outward-looking mindset, your health is dependent on what the latest health or fitness professional tells you to do, and this perceived idea that you have to “do it right,” or else.Â
This creates a constant need for approval from others… A need for certainty and security... And a feeling of failure if you have a symptomatic day and don’t know how to cope.
These needs will keep you trapped!!!
I don’t want you to stay stuck, repeating your old patterns of falling off-track, losing momentum, pelvic floor symptoms flaring, and ultimately feeling like a failure. I want you to feel FREE around your pelvic health and 100% trusting of your mind and body! I want you to have MOMENTUM and personal pelvic health empowerment.
Let’s look at the difference between people who are always looking outside of themselves for answers, versus people with MOMENTUM and personal pelvic health empowerment:
- Outside-lookers often think health and wellness is black and white… i.e. “do this exercise, but don’t ever do that one.”
- Outside-lookers don’t feel confident in themselves! They are constantly drawn to the next book, Instagram influencer’s infographic, or pelvic wellness program thinking it will “fix” them…
- Outside-lookers are constantly worried about the future and what it means when they have a bad day with their pelvic health…
- Outside-lookers are riddled with pelvic floor obsession and worry.
- People with momentum know that all movement is good movement. They trust their body to guide them to modify exercises as needed, and to make the best choices in the moment.
- People with momentum know they aren’t broken, and that they have their own best answers inside of them. While they might need outside advice from time-to-time, in most situations they feel empowered to make their own decisions about what their body needs in the moment.
- People with momentum know (and are prepared for) ups and downs with their symptoms. They quickly and easily dismiss feelings of failure when they have a bad day because they KNOW they’re on track, and that all things are cyclical.
- People with momentum have time and energy to do the things they love because thoughts about their pelvic floor don’t plague them…

People with MOMENTUM question the “rules” — and sometimes break them — based on the principles of BALANCE and listening to their own inner wisdom. They don’t let fear dictate, or get in the way of what’s possible for them!Â
When you start thinking like an empowered self-healer who TRUSTS her body and lives life with MOMENTUM, you’ll get totally clear on what you need to do to maintain pelvic health for life.
This change has to happen from the inside, and it requires support.
That’s why Momentum was created.Â
The simple definition of Momentum: strength or force gained by motion or by a series of events. In health and life, Momentum keeps you moving forward without holding you back.Â
If you need a boost to keep you feeling strong for life…

Small Group Coaching for Alumnae of Dr. Bri’s Programs
Momentum includes ALL of the following:
- Two private, one-on-one calls with Dr. Bri (60 minutes each) including email follow-up and support (valued at $550)
- Four months of group coaching including once/month group coaching calls (up to 90 minutes for each call, replays will be provided if you can’t attend live) (valued at $800)
- Four months of access to a private voice and text messaging group to use for 24/7 community support and connection between coaching calls (valued at $1000)
- Two mind-body immersion workshops that teach you the mind-body practices I'm utilizing and loving in my own life (valued at $400)
- Lifetime access to recordings of all group coaching calls AND workshops, even after your 4 months is over (Priceless)
- BONUS #1: “Elevate – Meditation for Pelvic Health” Online Course (valued at $67)
- BONUS #2: “The Mental Work of Pelvic Health” Masterclass replay (valued at $55)
- BONUS #3: 30-day workout calendar with Dr. Bri’s favorite downloadable pelvic floor-friendly workouts to help you round out your fitness programming (valued at $97)
- Literally everything you need to build your confidence, and feel strong and successful FOR LIFE is covered in this program! (Priceless)
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Frequently Asked Questions
When are the coaching calls?
What if I can't attend a group call?
Tell me more about the private coaching!
What’s your refund policy?
Why does this cost more than your other programs?
I'm ready! When does Momentum start?
Yes, I’m ready for a ONE TIME payment of $1222 or four payments of $322!
Are you ready to invest in your lifetime of success, self-trust, self-empowerment, and whole-woman healing that goes WAY BEYOND your pelvic floor?