Best At-Home Program for Prolapse

Do you have Pelvic Organ Prolapse?
If you have landed here, my guess is that you do. The great news is that there are natural, at-home solutions that you can use to relieve (or even reverse) your symptoms, and I want to share this info with you today. Do not lose hope! I’m here to HELP!!
Who gets prolapse, and why?
Prolapse generally happens after childbirth, weight gain, and/or menopausal changes; however, it can also happen in women who’ve never been pregnant due to improper body mechanics during lifting and exercise, chronic constipation, longstanding postural issues, patterns of muscular tension, and/or scar tissue from surgery and/or injury.
Although many people think of prolapse as a condition for elderly women, it's actually common in women of ALL AGES.
If you are freaking out a bit after what you have seen on the webs about how to deal with prolapse… or maybe you are feeling like “things are different down there” and want to learn more, keep reading. I have a wonderful solution for you BECAUSE A LOT CAN BE DONE on your own, AT HOME!!!
Your prolapse questions answered:
What is Pelvic Organ Prolapse?
This is one of the most asked questions regarding pelvic health. You might feel a change in your lower abdomen, you might feel the sensation like a golf ball or a tampon is stuck in your vagina, and you might even see a slight bulge “down there” when you take a look with a handheld mirror... but what is actually happening?
Pelvic Organ Prolapse is what I call a pelvic organ shift. Technically, it is a change in organ position. Watch this video where I give a great explanation and show you exactly what prolapse looks like using a model… Great for us visual learners! These are the main types of prolapse:
Is surgery the only option for prolapse?
No! While surgery might be required for more advanced stages of prolapse, it is NOT the only option. Conservative treatment (such as what I'm sharing with you here) is effective for managing mild to moderate prolapse and is an important "first line of defense" treatment option.
If you have been diagnosed and your physician filled you in on all things prolapse, then you might be looking for an at-home, natural solution for prolapse that you can do from the privacy and comfort of your home. I have created a done-for-you program called Lift, that tones and strengthens your pelvic floor to reverse prolapse symptoms. Click HERE to get the first week for free!
Why did I get prolapse?
Up to 50% of women who've given birth have some degree of POP, although as noted above, prolapse can happen in ANY WOMAN and can occur due to a variety of issues, from the way you move and hold your body, to the way you lift, exercise, and even how you poop! All of these are modifiable risk factors that you can CHANGE in order to relieve prolapse and/or prevent it from getting worse.
Furthermore, a little-known fact is that the pelvic muscles are highly reactive to STRESS. This can make prolapse symptoms worse, and can perpetuate prolapse if you don't develop awareness about this mind-body connection and learn how to manage it.
Stress at work triggers my symptoms. I receive immediate relief doing the Lift exercises. I recommend the Lift series!
What does prolapse feel like?
feeling heaviness in the pelvis or like something is "stuck" in the vagina
troubles with constipation or difficulty having a BM
urinary urgency or frequency, sometimes bladder leakage
back and/or pelvic pain, and fatigue by the end of the day especially
Will prolapse get worse? Will it heal on its own?
It can get worse, and it will not heal on its own if you don't make an effort to address the underlying root causes. But don’t worry… there’s hope!
Many people think that they can just “tighten things up” by excessive amounts of exercise or thousands of Kegel exercises. But LET ME TELL YOU… DO NOT DO THIS!!!
In fact, it’s essential to learn how to relax and release the pelvic floor muscles first, before moving into more intensive core strengthening.
There are also common exercises that you NEED to avoid (at least at first) if you have been diagnosed or you think that you have prolapse. Some of these include high-impact running and jumping activities, super heavy lifting, and even common things such as abdominal crunches. Be extra careful and work with a physical therapist to help you learn how to do strength-building exercises carefully. My Lift program will teach you exercises and movements that are specially designed for you.
How can I fix prolapse?
What can I do?
Follow your physician’s advice and work with a pelvic floor physical therapist one-on-one. Also, know that there is A LOT that can be done ON YOUR OWN to manage and even reverse your symptoms, especially if you have only mild to moderate prolapse. I have created an AT-HOME program called LIFT to help you with exactly this!
At-Home Program for Prolapse
Lift is the best holistic, at-home program for prolapse that combines lifestyle advice (posture, nutrition, body mechanics) to help you manage pressure in the pelvic area, as well as total-body exercises and MINDSET to help you relax, return to balance, and heal.
Your Lift program was a perfect mix of education, instruction and inspiration! I am now on week 5 and my prolapse symptoms have substantially decreased! Thanks so much for sharing this valuable information!!
Click to start FIXING your Pelvic Discomfort Today!
For a Q&A about Lift, watch this video below:
You might also like this informational video about how to understand and prevent pelvic organ prolapse:
Does your pelvic floor need help?
Many women think they just need live with the changes they’re experiencing
“down there,” but this is NOT the case. Take the short quiz to find out if you have issues that can be solved naturally.